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AQA GCSE Religious
Studies: Know your
Exam Question
Types poster at
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Title ISBN
Specification A
AQA GCSE Religious Studies: Christianity Student Book 978 019 837033 8
AQA GCSE Religious Studies: Christianity Revision Guide 978 019 842281 5
AQA GCSE Religious Studies: Buddhism Student Book 978 019 837032 1
AQA GCSE Religious Studies Workbook: Christianity and Buddhism for Paper 1 978 019 844564 7
AQA GCSE Religious Studies Workbook: Themes through Christianity and Buddhism for Paper 2 978 019 844565 4
AQA GCSE Religious Studies: Christianity and Buddhism Revision Guide 978 019 842285 3
AQA GCSE Religious Studies: Islam Student Book 978 019 837034 5
AQA GCSE Religious Studies Workbook: Christianity and Islam for Paper 1 978 019 844563 0
AQA GCSE Religious Studies Workbook: Themes through Christianity and Islam for Paper 2 978 019 844566 1
AQA GCSE Religious Studies: Christianity and Islam Revision Guide 978 019 842283 9
AQA GCSE Religious Studies: Judaism Student Book 978 019 837036 9
AQA GCSE Religious Studies: Christianity and Judaism Revision Guide 978 019 843254 8
AQA GCSE Religious Studies: Hinduism Student Book 978 019 837035 2
NEW! AQA GCSE Religious Studies Hinduism Revision Guide 978 138 201500 4
AQA GCSE Religious Studies: Sikhism Student Book 978 019 837037 6
NEW! AQA GCSE Religious Studies Sikhism Revision Guide 978 138 201502 8
Specification B
AQA GCSE Religious Studies: Catholic Christianity with Islam and Judaism
Student Book
978 019 837038 3
AQA GCSE Religious Studies B: Catholic Christianity with Islam and Judaism
Revision Guide
978 019 842287 7
AQA GCSE Religious Studies B Catholic Christianity Foundation Workbook:
Catholic Christianity for Paper 1
978 019 844496 1
AQA GCSE Religious Studies B Catholic Christianity Foundation Workbook:
Judaism and Themes for Paper 2
978 019 844497 8
Specification A and B
AQA GCSE Religious Studies: St Mark's Gospel 978 019 837039 0
For all Specifications
The Oxford Teacher Handbook for GCSE Islam 978 019 837047 5
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free exam question
types poster
These questions test knowlege and understanding
Each question in the exam will be split into five parts, worth 1, 2, 4, 5 and 12 marks.
The 1 mark question
The 1 mark question is always a multiple-choice question with four answers to choose from. It will
usually include the command words: 'Which one of the following...'
1 The 5 mark question
Like the 4-mark question, it always begins with the command words: 'Explain two…'
In addition it will also ask you to 'Refer to sacred writings or another source of
religious/Buddhist/Christian/ Hindu/Jewish/Muslim/Sikh, belief and teaching
in your answer.'
5 Explain two reasons why Christians pray.
Refer to sacred writings or another source of Christian belief and teaching
in your answer. [5 marks]
The examiner is looking for two detailed explanations plus 1 mark for a
relevant reference to sacred writings or another source of religious belief.
This question tests analytical and evaluative skills
The 12 mark question
The 12 mark question always begins with a statement, and then asks
you to evaluate the statement. There will be bullet points guiding you
through what the examiner expects you to provide in your answer.
12 From Paper 2:
War is never right'
Evaluate this statement. In your answer you should:
• give reasoned arguments to support this statement
• give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view
• should refer to religious arguments
• may refer to non-religious arguments
• reach a justified conclusion. [12 marks]
[+ 3 SPaG marks]
Tips for answering the 12 mark question
l Remember to focus your answer on the statement you've been given,
for example 'War is never right.'
l Include different viewpoints, one supporting the statement, one arguing
against it - for example one viewpoint to support the idea that war is never right, and an
alternative viewpoint to suggest that war is sometimes necessary.
l Develop both arguments showing a logical chain of reasoning - draw widely on your knowledge
and understanding of the subject of war, try to make connections between ideas. Write a detailed answer
and use evidence to support your arguments.
l Be sure to include religious arguments - a top level answer will explain how religious teacschools.enquiries.uk@oup.come argument.
l Include evaluation - you can make judgements on the strength of arguments throughout, and you
should finish with a justified conclusion. If you want to, you can give your own opinion.
l Write persuasively - use a minimum of three paragraphs (one giving arguments for the statement,
one for a different point of view and final conclusion). The examiner will expect to see extended writing
and full sentences.
How to get in touch
Web oxfordsecondary.co.uk/re
Email schools.enquiries.uk@oup.com
Tel. +44 (0)1536 452620
AQA GCSE Religious
Studies A: Christianity
Revision Guide
978 019 842281 5
AQA GCSE Religious
Studies A: Christianity and
Buddhism Revision Guide
978 019 842285 3
AQA GCSE Religious
Studies A: Christianity and
Islam Revision Guide
978 019 842283 9
AQA GCSE Religious Studies B:
Catholic Christianity with Islam
and Judaism Revision Guide
978 019 842287 7
For a more detailed guide to your exam question types see our NEW! AQA GCSE Revision Guides
The 4 mark question
The 4 mark question always begins with the command words: 'Explain two…'
4 Explain two contrasting ways in which Holy Communion is celebrated in Christianity. [4 marks]
The examiner is looking for two detailed explanations.
An easy way to remember what you need to do for the 4 mark question is:
Make one point Develop it Make a second point Develop it
AQA Religious Studies
GCSE : Know your Exam Question Types
The 2 mark question
The 2 mark question always begins with the command words: 'Give two…' or 'Name two…'
2 Give two ways in which religious believers help victims of war. [2 marks]
The examiner is expecting two simple points.
TIPThis question is worth the same
amount of marks as the 1, 2, 4
and 5 mark questions combined.
Try to aim for at least a full
page of writing, and spend
12 minutes or more on
this question.
TIPEach paper is 1 hour and
45 minutes long, and you'll
need to answer four full
questions. Aim to
spend 25 minutes on
each question.
TIPAlways try to use your best
written English in the long
12 mark questions. It could
be a chance to pick up
extra marks for SPaG.
TIPSacred writings and religious beliefs or
teachings might include a quotation from
a holy book or religious text, such
as the Bible or the Dhammapada, a
statement of religious belief, for example
the Shahadah, or a statement made
by a religious leader, for example the
Pope or the Dalai Lama.
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