A brand new course
packed with exam
skills practice
This exciting new course offers clear coverage of the Eduqas
specifications, presented in a user-friendly format, with features designed
to help students develop essential exam skills. Essential digital resources
and a digital book are included on Kerboodle.
The teaching content of the Route A Student Book is endorsed by WJEC Eduqas to
support Eduqas GCSE Religious Studies Route A. We are currently seeking endorsement
from Eduqas for the Route B Student Book.
Clear, accessible content is presented in an engaging, student-friendly page design.
Dedicated Skills Practice pages include exam questions, examplars, and guidance.
The Route A book provides focused coverage of Christianity, Islam and Christian and
Muslim perspectives on themes.
Digital Kerboodle resources include a digital book and auto-marked quizzes.
*This resource has been reviewed against WJEC Eduqas' endorsement criteria. As this resource belongs to a third party, there may be occasions where a sp
Sample Assessment Materials to ensure that learners are studying the most up to date course. It is recommended that teachers use a range of resources to
the endorsement of this resource, nor does WJEC receive any royalties from its sale.
"One of the things that really stood out was how student
friendly the terminology and approach was. I also love the
knowledge recall and the evaluation practice at the end of
each section…. Skills Practice: This is a great idea!!!"
Caroline McVicker (Head of Religious Studies, Lipson Cooperative Academy)